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Direct Negotiation Invitation To Submit Proposal

Invitation for Negotiated Procurement for Two-Failed Biddings

Pursuant to the Department of Energy (DOE) Department Circular No. DC 2018-02-003, as
amended by DC 2021-09-0003, the Federation of Rural Electric Cooperatives in Region 8
(FRECOR 8), thru its Region 8 Joint Third Party Bids and Awards Committee (R8 JTPBAC), are
inviting power suppliers to participate in this Negotiated Procurement of Region 8 Joint
Competitive Power Supply Procurement (R8 JCPSP) process for the aggregated Renewable
Portfolio Standards (RPS) power supply requirement of the regions ten (10) ECs as follows:

Table 1 Aggregated RPS Demand of Region 8 ECs

Contract Year Contract Period Aggregated Load
2023 Sep. 26, 2023 – Dec. 25, 2023 8 MW
2024 Dec. 26, 2023 – Dec. 25, 2024 13 MW
2025 Dec. 26, 2024 – Dec. 25, 2025 19 MW
2026 Dec. 26, 2025 – Dec. 25, 2026 26 MW
2027 Dec. 26, 2026 – Dec. 25, 2027 33 MW
2028 Dec. 26, 2027 – Dec. 25, 2028 40 MW
2029 Dec. 26, 2028 – Dec. 25, 2029 46 MW
2030 Dec. 26, 2029 – Dec. 25, 2030 54 MW
2031 Dec. 26, 2030 – Dec. 25, 2031 58 MW

The ten (10) Electric Cooperatives (ECs) of Region 8 is composed of Northern Samar Electric Cooperative, Inc. (NORSAMELCO); Samar I Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SAMELCO I); Samar II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Samelco II); Don Orestes Romualdez Electric Cooperative, Inc. (DORELCO); Leyte II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (LEYECO II); Leyte III Electric Cooperative, Inc. (LEYECO III); Leyte IV Electric Cooperative, Inc. (LEYECO IV); Leyte V Electric Cooperative, Inc. (LEYECO V); Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SOLECO); and Biliran Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BILECO).


Generation Company (GENCO) that owns and/or operates an RPS eligible existing or to be constructed power plant; Eligible RE Facility refers to a generating facility that utilizes an RE resource or RE Technology as further defined under Rule 3 of DOE DC No. 2017-12-0015; IPP Administrator of privatized IPP PPA of NPC through an IPPA contract awarded by PSALM that is RPS eligible power plant; and/or Licensed Wholesale  Aggregator with  (i) existing  capacity contracts or has arranged for a capacity contract in response to this tender, or (ii) a firm commitment to supply from Philippine Renewable Energy Market at fixed prices.


Subject to appropriate and timely notice, R8 JCPSP-JTPBAC reserves the right to amend the schedules as shown below:

FRECOR 8 Board Resolution to conduct Direct Negotiation October 20, 2023
Invitation to Submit Proposals October 26, 2023
Deadline for Proponents to Submit Letter of Intent November 3, 2023
Conduct of Proponent's Conference (Virtual) November 6, 2023
Deadline to Submit Proposals November 13, 2023 (1:00 PM)
Opening and Evaluation of Submitted Proposals (Virtual) November 13-14, 2023
Submission of Evaluation Result to FRECOR 8 November 15, 2023
Board Resolution for the declaration of Winning GenCos November 16, 2023
Notice of Award November 17, 2023
PSA Negotiation November 20-21, 2023
Conduct of Pre-Screening Conference with NEA for EVOSS Application November 22, 2023
NEA Evaluation of PSA thru EVOSS (issuance of Notice to Proceed for the signing of the PSA) November 23 - December 6, 2023
Signing of PSAs December 7, 2023
Filing of Joint ERC Petition for approval of PSA December 14, 2023


Interested proponents may obtain a copy of the Financial Offer Template and Eligibility Checklist upon submission of Letter of Intent.

The R8 JCPGSP-JTPBAC reserves the right to amend the schedule of activities. The selection of successful offer shall be based on the best and final offer that will be submitted on the set deadline by the JTPBAC and which would meet the minimum technical specification required.
